Future students

Will Summoner School actually help me?

The best LoL players have a set of skills they’ve mastered that set them apart from the casual player. They don’t have mysterious qualities that make them superhuman.

In all areas of life, the successful do their craft differently to a “normal person”. Take for example a world-class musician. He practices at least 4 hours everyday and gets weekly lessons while your local trumpet player will have one lesson a month and play less than 4 hours a week. And then there are others who talk about wanting to learn an instrument yet do nothing about it.

If you model what a world-class musician, athlete, or in our case a LoL player does, you probably won’t reach the challenger-tier in solo queue, but you will get close to their results. Summoner School is structured in a way that breaks down all the skills of a great player into a step-by-step fashion so you too can play like a pro.

It will work for you if you put in the time to practice, review lessons, then play some more. You can get started by signing up.

What format is Summoner School?

Summoner School is an exclusive online membership site accessible anywhere in the world from a computer, tablet device, or phone.

The lessons are delivered in a mixture of text, images, video, and tools.

My native language isn’t English, will I understand the course?

If you understand this page, you will understand Summoner School.

To help you if you have bad English, Summoner School uses Google Translator at the bottom of every page. Have a look below. All you do is select your language.

There is also jargon like zone, harass, and freeze used in the guide that can confuse the newbie or non-English speaker. League of Legends jargon is used in the course because we are hardcore pros, but even if you’re new, we’ve created a LoL glossary for terms difficult to understand.

So yes, if your native language isn’t English, you can still do Summoner School and get platinum or better.

Is Summoner School updated with the latest League of Legends patch?

League of Legends updates happen often. Items get changed, champions get added, champions get buffed and nerfed, neutral monsters get modified, yet players at the top of the LoL ladders remain there. Do you know why? Because they have the core skills of a great LoL player mastered.

Summoner School is not about “build this item then that item”. Builds and guides change with time. You learn know how to build any champion once you understand the theory of buying items in Summoner School.

What you learn in Summoner School are unchanging foundations of a great LoL player. Summoner School is always up-to-date with the latest League of Legends patch to ensure you stay ahead. Sign-up here.

I can’t play LoL much, can I still get better?

The three creators of Summoner School all have lives outside of LoL. UberGiant runs several online businesses from home, enjoys calisthenics training, and gives his girlfriend plenty of attention. UberGiantsBro works full-time in media production while LittleUberGiant is now a professional Australian Football League player.

Stuff trying to piece all the secrets together on your own from random guides. It takes too long and you don’t know if you’re doing it right.

We all reached diamond or challenger using short-cut methods to get good at LoL fast, which students of Summoner School now use to save time. Everything is proven with the students before you who have become diamond using the same methods.

You get everything you need to become good at League of Legends when signing up. Summoner School is made for those who don’t have time.

Also see the question “How long does it take to get better?” for more help with time and getting better at League of Legends.

How long does it take to get better?

Tough question, but an important one. Asking how long it takes to improve as a student of Summoner School is like wanting to know the length of a piece of string.

In a survey of students, we found many gain one tier in four weeks. This means they move from bronze to silver, or gold to platinum in less than a month. How fast you improve depends on how close you follow Summoner School and the effort you put in.

If you have any LoL experience, you know the best way to go insane trying to get better is playing solo queue for hours everyday. This form of improvement takes at least 1 year.

You feel like you’re trying to cut a tree with a butter knife. You skip studying, don’t work, forget to eat… your life suffers.

It is possible to learn by playing endlessly, watching streams, and reading free guides, but it’s not worth the sacrifice and never-ending frustration. It takes you over a year of smart learning to figure out the secrets.

The world record for noob to pro would have to be Korea’s Shy who began competing after six months. He received professional coaching and had expert players guide him everyday.

You don’t have thousands of dollars for professional coaching. With Summoner School, you have access to everything you need (for less than a night out) that has taken players from bronze to challenger-tier.

Summoner School is your map to follow so you confidently get to where you want to go – whether it is to escape league hell, become a platinum player, or make your team pro – without destroying your life.

There are tips, like sticking to one role and two champions, to get you instantly winning more games. There is training that takes time to become a habit for skills such as “shift-clicking”.

You get everything you need with a 8-week money-back guarantee. Get started by signing up here.

Good players say I should learn from pro streams and free guides. Why would I pay for Summoner School?

How do you learn to counter-pick, pick the right runes and masteries every time, last hit, zone, harass, get kills when you gank, develop map awareness, ward, build correctly, team-fight, communicate with your team, practice better, and learn all the 30+ other skills needed to become a better LoL player?

There’s no guide out there to teach you all this. The best answer use to be to pick tips here and there from second-rate guides then learn most of it yourself over hundreds of hours studying, testing, and failing… but this takes so long! And after all that effort, there’s no guarantee you’re going to come out a better player.

The best way to go insane trying to get better is playing solo queue for hours everyday. You feel like you’re trying to cut a tree with a butter knife.

It is possible to learn by playing endlessly, watching streams, and reading free guides, but it’s not worth the sacrifice and never-ending frustration. You don’t become a better basketball player by watching the NBA. When commentators breakdown plays as some streamers do, you do learn to play better, but improvement is slow because there’s tonnes of other skills required to execute what the streamer is talking about.

It takes you over a year to figure out the secrets by yourself when you endlessly watch streams, test, then pick apart crap advice from good advice in guides scattered everywhere. Take our hand so we can guide you. Access all the secrets now. Summoner School is structured in a way that breaks down all the skills of a great player into a step-by-step fashion so you too can play like a pro.

It will work for you if you follow lessons then practice using the given plan. Get started by signing up.

Does it matter if I play on an International server?

We live in Australia and played with 200 ping on American servers for 2 years beating players like DoubleLift and TheOddOne. Now we have Oceania servers, LittleUberGiant (one of the creators behind Summoner School), held #1:

Two Summoner School teachers #1 and #6 on the Oceania servers

It doesn’t matter what server you play or where you’re from. That’s exactly like doubting if guitar lessons that worked for someone in the US will not work for you because you live in Spain. Skill does not discriminate based on geographic region.

The server you play on or your region has zero affect on your ability to get good with Summoner School.

The only thing that differs between regions is meta. In Summoner School there’s even a lesson on meta, how to innovate meta, and how to adjust to various styles of play.

Start getting better at League of Legends by signing up to Summoner School here.

Can I get Summoner School for free?

Summoner School is an exclusive membership training course to help League of Legends players carry almost anyone. Pros who were previously in Bronze-tier have put in over 1,000 hours transcribing lessons to be great at this amazing game. This is why Summoner School has never been free – and will never be free.

We use to rage playing LoL trying to carry noobs. You may too. It’s not fun even though you enjoy the game.

You cannot put a price on being great at something you love. How much have you spent on RP to buy skins, champions, and rune pages? $50? $100? Some players have paid over $600!

Having that cool Teemo skin doesn’t make you play better. Summoner School does.

There’s a free sample of Summoner School you can signup for on the home page. We also have a YouTube channel with good free videos.

But for the most comprehensive training for everything to get great, you need Summoner School. Get started here.


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