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The short, pro guide to dominate as Anivia in mid lane. Learn the builds, masteries, counters, and special fighting tactics to carry as her in LoL.
Lane Strategy
You get a power surge at level three with one ability in Flash Frost and two in Frostbite. Flash Frost can deal double damage as well as Frostbite from the frost proc
If your jungler has a non-skill shot crowd control like Maokai snare, wait until that lands before casting Flash Frost to guarantee you hit your stun and chain your abilities
Clear raptors only when you have blue buff or are about to back. You're too mana-dependent
Improve the chances of landing your slow stun by walling behind the enemy, seeing the direction he moves, then cast it
Once you hit 6, most of your harass will come from an ult into Frostbite combo. This sets you up to hit Flash Frost because your close and the enemy is slowed from your ult. Ideally you want to stun the target in your ult. If not, the stun then wall allows you to get another ult and Frostbite off seconds late
When you want to push a wave, tank the melee minions until they line up, then use Glacial Storm and Flash Frost to clear
Always know if your egg is up or not. You can be more ballsy when your passive is up
Team Fight Tactics
Your ability to clear waves and siege towers is fantastic. You can defend towers well and zone enemies with your wall
A level 5 Crystallize provides enormous catch potential when trying to taken an enemy tower
Fight in the jungle because your wall is guaranteed to separate a team while your ultimate covers most narrow passages
You have two common ways to initiate fights: get into the fog of war then cast Flash Frost or use Crystallize behind one unsuspecting enemy who steps too far forward
Get your ult on an attack-speed based champion to debuff their attack speed. You can save your other abilities for other champions
Look to use your wall early if you can keep an important enemy out of the fight
If an enemy bruiser initiates or gets caught too far from his team, use your wall to block the remaining enemies from engaging. Banish the engager then move onto the remaining enemies
If a tank does little damage to you but sticks on you, cast your ultimate on you and walk around in it
If your AD carry is more fed than the enemy AD carry, use all your abilities to peel
Be patient with your Flash Frost if you cannot kill or be killed. A good Flash Frost that passes through an enemy can double proc its damage when detonated and stun
Sneaky Tactics
Launch your Flash Frost as you auto-attack to confuse your opponent that the stun is coming. The particle affects are similar
Anivia works well with Ashe and Nunu because their movement speed debuffs proc the double damage from Frostbite
Crystallize brushes to gain vision without walking inside. Use it to check Baron from top side
Crystallize does one true damage if it shifts an enemy. Be aware it can lead you to take tower damage
Interrupt dashes with Crystallize as you see the enemy beginning the move. Good for Jarvan IV. (Example video)
Be careful when laning while your Flash Frost is on cooldown
Mobile enemies like Fizz and Kassadin counter you when they juke Flash Frost with their mobility to get close, deal massive damage, and disrupt Anivia's ult. Zed works in a similar fashion when he casts a shadow behind, switches to it to dodge the stun, then nukes
Vulnerable to large gap closers like Malphite and Cho'Gath who negate Crystallize
Does well verse champions like Mordekaiser and Karthus who get up close and are kept in Anivia's ultimate